
Foods to Avoid With Braces

Foods That Are Appealing But Dangerous

A careful orthodontic patient can probably cat almost any food and do no damage to his or her appliance. However, these three types of food may cause trouble, as may other foods. Use common sense or, if you are in doubt, ask us about some food you enjoy eating.

HARD FOODS may do damage by bending wires, loosening cement under the bands or breaking the little brackets and tubes which are attached.

STICKY FOODS damage appliances by bending wires and pulling cement loose.

FOODS HIGH IN SUGAR CONTENT you should avoid whenever possible. If you do eat any of them, brush your teeth immediately. If not convenient to brush, then always rinse your mouth with clear water after eating very sweet foods such as cake or pie.

Don’t Eat

  • Popcorn, Nuts, Peanut Brittle
  • Ice (not even if you’re careful)
  • Lemons (pure lemon juice can hurt your tooth enamel)
  • Corn-on-the-cob
  • Corn chips, crisp tacos
  • Tatty and Caramels
  • Fruit Fakes, Gummy Bears, etc.
  • *Bubble Gum – a thousand times NO!
  • Pizza Crust (the hard outer edge.)


  • Carrot Sticks (if you cut into carrot curls that are thin)
  • Apples (cut into wedges; don’t bite)
  • Hard French Bread (If you take small pieces and are very care-full)
  • Diet Drinks

*Some orthodontists allow sugarless gum (not bubble) if in small amounts. Check with your doctor for approval.

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